Would you leave your husband?

My husband has a really really bad anger problem! He is in the Army and refuses to get help bc he is worried about his security clearance. He is verbally abusive and financialy abusive and I'm fear he will if not is physically. Last night we were sleeping in bed and our  23 month old daughter sleeps with us. Well he woke me up screaming at me at 4am bc she peed through her diaper. He never gets up with her never changes her etc. I wake up to clean her and the bed up while he is tearing me down. I get back into bed and he tells me I need to scoot over. I told him I'm already on the edge of the bed. So he pulls the cover off really hard waking up our daughter and starts kicking me in the back to push me over. I'm 12 weeks pregnant also. ( we were not trying as we have been fighting) anyways I was very alarmed by this and told him to go out to the couch bc what he did was wrong that he should never lay any body parts in his pregnant wife. So he gets in my face and try to head butt me but I back away then he takes his pillow and smacks me as hard as he could across the face with his pillow and calls me a cunt!  He thinks he didn't hit me since it was with a pillow. Honestly I don't think he even feels. As for what he did or does. He did all of this infront of my crying child who was scared and tontoo it off it took her 2 hrs to fall back to sleep. He is refusing to get help and I told him if he doesn't get therapy then I'm leaving him bc I will not tolerate this especially infront of my child. I'm a stay at home mom b he was deployed for a year he has been home for a few months so he holds the Money over my head. I would leave if I had some where to go. I moved away from my family for him and the army I have no where to go and he won't go stay in a hotel or leave.