I love my mother-in-law but...

Here is the deal. We currently live in my mother in laws home married with our 2 children (4yo daughter and 3 week old daughter) we've been living with her since we found out about our 1st and it's been tough! I don't agree with how she parents and she tells me how to parent and says "I have raised 2 boys" (which both have not left the home and she enables my brother in law's "anxiety and depression" to the extreme) she has no control! So she tries to control my daughter! I just got into an argument with her because I had asked my daughter to wash her hands she insisted on using a wipe. Her hands were black and I said no don't use the butt wipes wash them so my daughter says grandma says I can use the wipes and they both are staring at me! So I stood my ground and said no I want you to wash them come on and my daughter starts screaming. So I get frustrated and said "this is why she doesn't listen to me because you always go against what I say" and she got loud with me so I got loud with her and just said "fine everyone do what you want because what I say doesn't matter" she says "no you need to stick to your guns" ... whatttt I just did and you went against me! Than my husband calls to tell me he is coming home, now I'm crying and he is upset because I won't tell him why I was crying! I hate bashing his mom to him, but this is getting out of hand! Idk what to do at this point