Newbie! Looking for cycle buddy. AF due 27/6


Hi Ladies,

This is my first time ever posting on any sort of forum so apologies if I dont get it 100% right.

I am 25 TTC 2 years.

Long story short I found out I had an ectopic pregnancy back in April, I measured 5w4d at the time, I had laproscopic surgery to remove my left tube and pregnancy. (This was my first and only pregnancy to date)

I have now had the all clear from my OB/GYN to start trying again.

I am on CD12, and roughly have a regular cycle of 27-29 days.

It been one heck of a journey and I am also seeing a traditional chinese medicine doctor for fertility just to boost my chances and make sure my body is ready to <a href="">nurture</a> a beautiful bundle of joy.