*rant* Now HE'S ready

Jennifer • TTC #1 for past year. 33yo. Married 7 years.
I just need a moment to vent in a safe place where I can be a little anonymous and transparent. 
We've been married for almost 7 years. Together for almost 10. Both in our 30s now. I joined Glow awhile back when the biological clock was ticking. Hard. I tracked and logged and educated myself and him. And nothing. Too many TWWs to count. I got really depressed  and pretty much just gave up. 
The last year or so as friends are having 2nd and 3rd kids, I've come to terms in my own way. And actually felt grateful that I hadn't conceived. Thinking like "yeah I could never do that." I once passed out from accidentally cutting myself. I just don't handle my own body well. So I coped that way. And moved on. 
Then this morning my husband looks at me and says that now HES ready. Now is the time to have a kid because HE is all in. Now. Years later. After so many showers of sobbing. Times baby dances. Dreaded negatives. Etc. I'm doing all I can to not respond hatefully. I understand his need to be a father, I mean I can relate. But I don't want to do this again. And I feel slighted by all that I went thru the last time. It's like that was nothing for him. And that hurts. We had entertained the thought of adopting or fostering, and I'd be fine with that. I just don't want to battle the infertility demon. 
What would you do? Or say?