Help! Best tips and tricks on TTC


My boyfriend and I have been TTC for almost a year now, after I had a miscarriage last July. Back then I wasn't trying to get pregnant but after we got all hyped for it, then miscarried we have wanted nothing more then for our rainbow baby to come along. I've been taking prenatals for over a year and kept track of my ovulation dates and still had no luck. Do any of you ladies have anything special you did that allowed you to conceive? Anyone have any experience using FertilAid? or OTC <a href="">fertility medications</a>? He keeps telling me not to worry, that our time will come but I can't help but worry it was a once in a lifetime thing.

P.S. We have both seen a fertility specialist and his sperm is good and so are my eggs. The only issue I struggle with is cyst bursts every month or every other month from ovulation.