somebody asked why people have a problem with cops. this is why


I know links don't work. 

If you don't want to type in the link :

Body cam reveals man chokes a woman's son for "supposedly" throwing paper on property. The mother of the child explains to the cop that her neighbor should not be choking her 7yr old son over a piece of paper when he could have come to her if he was so upset. The cop responds by saying "well why wouldn't you teach your son not to litter." Baffled by this question, the mother says "excuse me. What do you mean?" The cop repeats himself. The mother is getting distressed and says to him "he shouldn't be choking my seven year old son." The cop then asks "why are you yelling." The mother says "I don't like you questioning my parenting. You don't know what I teach my son." The cop proceeds to say "well I don't like how you're talking to me and if you keep raising your voice I'm gonna have you arrested." Her younger daughter then comes to get her mother to remove her from the situation. Instead the cop pushes the daughter out of the way grabs on to the mother shoves a gun in her back and cuffs her. Then points a gun at all of her children forcing them to get on the ground. One child apparently is filming this and you just hear her saying "your on live. I'm recording all of this." 

So the next time people ask why people don't like or respect cops, particularly people of color, this is why. Because THIS is our experiences. They aren't here to protect us or serve us. They are here to rip our families apart, murder, and lock us up. And let me just be clear that there are good cops. And I'm thankful for the good cops. But there are so few of them and not enough that stand up and speak out because they fear what may happen to them. Cops get set up as well for speaking out which is why it becomes pretty hard to trust them. Wish all of our experiences with cops can be good, but the sad reality is, it's not. 

So honestly, if an older man choked your seven year old son for throwing down a piece of paper and a cop arrives at the scene and tells you that you should raise your child better , Would you feel protected ???