Anybody have a LO with a dairy allergy?

Sara • 7.2.16 👶☀️ • 9.16.18 👼⛈️ • 8.26.19 👶🌈
Just wondering what the symptoms were and when they were diagnosed, and what non dairy products they eat? My daughter is 11 months and we're gradually weaning from breastfeeding, hoping to be done by her birthday. We first offered cheese and yogurt at 9 months and she got a blotchy red rash around her mouth. So we stopped and tried again at 10 months, same thing, even yogurt melts and Gerber baby yogurt. So we are just taking away all dairy until we talk to her pediatrician at her 1 year checkup in a few weeks (I'm not worried about nutrition since she's still breastfed). She literally has no other symptoms but the mouth rash and it clears up within 30 mins or less. No mucous or blood in her poop, no diarrhea, no respiratory symptoms. She already has eczema but dairy doesn't make it flare up. It just all seems very mild but I don't want to downplay it and then have her body have a full blown reaction because I kept exposing her. I tried giving her some Silk soy yogurt and she did just fine with it, no rash at all. Any advice from dairy free mamas? What milk does your LO drink, does it have to be a fortified kind? What about yogurt and cheese?