Possibly getting pregnant right now 😱😱😱

I'm still nursing my 10 month old. I had 2 periods since he was born (at 5 and 7 months PP) but that was while on the mini pill so no ovulation. I got off of it at 7 months and had a withdrawl bleed right after my period. 
Fast forward to now, I've shown signs of ovulation the last couple of months (EWCM) but have yet to resume a normal cycle. We started actively TTC about 2 weeks ago. 
Maybe I'm just hopeful, but I'm having all kinds of symptoms this week. I'm bloated, having minor cramps/twinges, acne (which is not typical for me), extremely exhausted like with my first pregnancy, along with mild nausea. Could I have possibly caught the first egg?!? My hubby will sh*t a brick haha 😆 Especially since I told him it would be super unlikely. On the positive side, it will be an amazing Father's Day present 😍
*I have tested, but I think it's to early as I'd barely be implanting this week. I plan to test in a few days*