Arguing with my mom about tattoos being a sin

I am a Christian I have backslide quite a few times in my life, when I was 5 and at 12 I was molested when I was 8 started smoking cigs around 12 smoking weed then I got pregnant at 15 and stopped smoking the day I found out I was pregnant I was one of those that wouldn't even go in a house where someone was smoking or in a car I got married on my 16th birthday I got saved when I was about 7months pregnant. I had my daughter and got her name tattooed on myhip I started partying acting like a 16 yr old got more tattoos peicerings got divorced around 18 got pregnant with my son settled back down went through a horrible relationship he turned out to be gay I find this out right before I have our son so I leave have our son and when they get older they go to their dads onthe weekend throw an abusive relationship in their and I start doing other drugs while being alone finally had a break through got back in church and ive acclimated 9 tattoos throughout this time and as im in church everyone looks at me like im this goth punk freakshow I got to a holiness church and me and mom got to talking about it she kept on tattoos are a sin your body's a temple you have marked your temple and I just simply said momma out of everything ive done and been through in this life I do not believe that Jesus is going to send me to hell for my tattoos and im not exactly sure which verse it is but it say Jesus has written on his thigh "king of kings lord of lords" im not saying it was a tattoo but he has it marked on his thigh and he is the most pure being ever my point is as Christians we are taught and know that when you repent you are forgiven of all sins your sin is cast away in a sea of forgettfulness as far as the east is from the west or as my old preacher says in a sea of forgetfulness and god puts up a no fishing sign loll why should the people that have taught me this and preach this judge me for what ive done? They don't know my struggle or my past they see tattoos and gauges walking in with 3 kids and pregnant with another on the way stepping on stage singing for them and cut their eyes at me and frown I mean come on their are people that are pedophiles in church just because their sin isn't written on their skin they are not judged I say church is a hospital for sinners not a museum for saints sorry for this long rant I just needed to make a point and vent.