night tremors. are they true?

My son will be ten months on Wednesday and sleeps in his crib in his room through the night but in the past month he will wake up in the middle of the night crying. I let him go for a few minutes since he doesn't lift his head, I think he's still sleeping but when he continues to cry I go to grab him and bring him into our room where I put him in his pack and play and roll that back and forth until he falls back asleep. Normally he will stay asleep until morning after that. Could this be teething of newer teeth besides the front top and bottom 4? What exactly are night tremors? I'm just trying to figure it out and help him during our nighttime routine so he doesn't wake himself up with the scared cry of his. Anyone else dealing with this? It's also not because he's hungry because he definitely doesn't have or need a bottle in the middle of the night anymore.