Best TTC Tips (PLS help!)

Léya • -Léya Luna

Hello ladies, I'm Léya. Hubby and I have been TTC since last February, and we've had no luck at all 🙁 Doc says I'm healthy, I even began to take prenatals (read it helps prime the body for a baby/other benefits) to help, as well as of course using Glow and using OPKs. Even when I get an LH surge, I still always get that BFN!

My Doc started me on Clomid but I've had two cycles now and still BFNs. Aunt Flo left on Sunday, so I'm heading into cycle 3 on Clomid now (OMG I'm SO impatient! We want this baby!!). In the meantime....

Are there any helpful tips you lovely ladies can send my way, or for any other ladies looking for a hint or two? Anyone with anything helpful. Please. 😅🤗😇

Thank you and have a lovely night (or whatever time of day it is you read this, I hope the rest of it was joyous!) 😘😘😘😘