Boyfriend Issues

Need a bit of advice.. been with my boyfriend 2 years and a half now. Can't say it's been the smoothest of relationships, lots of problems, issues, things he's done but what relationship doesn't have that. He's gone to uni so don't really see loads of eachother and when we could he'd doesn't make the most of that chance. I feel it's really once sided.. I'd love to see him more than he'd wanna see me I feel, and his friends to him are equal to me. Is that normal? I want feel that he wants to see me all the time. And he's constantly getting on my nerves, stressing me out😩 Help! Has anyone else experienced this?
I have just had a loved one past away and it's really brought me down, but I feel he really hasn't been here for me, he didn't offer to come and see me, I made the effort to see him the day after, he moans that I'm always grumpy but I can't help feeling down, seeing as someone in my family has just died:/ Just don't know what to do anymore.. Need a little bit of advice please🙏🏻 x