Baby Bernie

Well, I gave birth of May 1 at 4:17am. My labor started on my due date or really very late in the night before my due date. I woke up to contractions, and I had been having painful contractions all week but nothing that lasted more than a few hours. I figured this was the same because who seriously goes into labor on their due date. I'm a FTM, my mother went to 42 weeks with her first three. I'd been telling everyone that I'd mostly like be the same. So, I woke up a little before midnight, and I paced up and down the hallway until 5am when I couldn't take it anymore. I woke up my SO and told him we're going to the hospital. I got there, and I was only 1cm but 100% effaced. Which is super weird. The nurse said she had never seen that....I think it was because of the daily evening primrose supplement I had been taking but who knows. Anyways they sent me home & I was gone for maybe three hours before my SO said we were going back. Lol I think I scared him with all my moaning and groaning. But in that short time I went from 1cm to 5cm. Still the hospital told me I would be monitored for 2hrs & if I didn't progress from 5cm that they were going to send me home again.  😳 They wouldn't give me anything for pain & I was dying praying I was progressing. The two hours passed and I was at 6cm. So thank god they let me stay & I requested some sort of pain medication to hopefully not get an epidural. Pain medication did jack shit and a few hours later I hadn't progressed and asked for the epidural & if they would start pitocin. I honestly have no idea where the hours went. Before I knew it my sister who wasn't going to make it until 11pm, was there and joking that we needed to have this baby before midnight. I was so out it. At 11:45, I was at 10cm and started pushing.....And pushing....And pushing. My epidural still allowed me to move around and I swear we tried every position you could think of to push. I spent almost 4 hours pushing before Bernie's heartbeat started to drop when I was pushing. He was stuck sunny side up, and we were getting nowhere. They told me we needed a c-section. When they broke my water there was meconium, so I had no second thought about the c-section. I will admit when I said yes to c-section I wasn't scared. As soon as I got into the operating room, I was terrified. And the sedative wasnt working. It wasn't just pressure or tugging, I could feel pain. They tried one more thing and still I was feeling pain. They ended up having to pute under general anesthesia....The whole time my anxiety is getting worse and worse. But all ended well and my baby boy was born will no issues 8lb 8oz and beautiful. I will say that waking up to a nurse "massaging" my belly was the most excruciating ordeal. I literally had to be restrained because I almost punched my nurse in the face. "Massaging" my ass they was the most painful part of the entire experience. This was the same nurse  that had been there through theajorimg of my labor and I loved her....After that I was still loopy & telling her I took back my favorite nurse comment & that she was just trying to torture me lol. 😂🤦‍♀️😬
This is Bernie with his 2yo Uncle Tennyson lol