monster in laws 😫

I love my husband dearly, his mother... not so much. For whatever reason she doesn't and has never liked me. In the beginning, thought she did but I was wrong. She is just very fake to me. 
When planning our wedding, she felt like it was necessary to invite people she knew wouldn't come she just wanted to send an invitation to simply because I had more family attending than my husband. Then, she wanted to pay for the venue and the food IF we had it where she wanted us to. When we decided on another venue, she didn't pay a penny towards it. She showed up mad and smelling like an ashtray pissed off cause he boyfriend didn't come. She was outside smoking the whole time and missed just about everything. 
Now I'm pregnant. We found the gender out early and instead of having a reveal we invited family to to ultrasound appointment with us. My husband decided to NOT have his sister attend because we don't talk to her and she never cares to see us unless it is convenient for her. His mom is went behind his back and asked me if she could please come. I told her that my husband said no. The NIGHT BEFORE she made up excuse after excuse as to why my husband sister HAD to bring her to the appointment or she couldn't come. I flipped (hormones) and needless to say my husband and I fought all night. I made him sleep on the couch and we barely talked the next day. This is my first child and the first gender reveal and I feel like she took that away from me. An emotional part. 
Up to date we are now planning the shower. My mom is planning it and every time she'd reach out to my MIL she would not respond to my mom but instead would contact me or my husband. We both told her over and over that if it's shower related to contact my mom. She threw a fit and told my husband she wants to be more involved  there is nothing to do though. We're only up to invitations. The shower is 3 months away! Anyway my husband told her that and she texted my mom telling her that she isn't helping and to have a good time planning the shower we obviously don't need her. She was mad because SHE didn't get to choose who came to MY baby shower. That was last week. I texted her asking for some baby pictures of my husband. She said she would look. THEN said "why didn't your mother text me? Thought I wasn't involved?"  To me that was rude and petty and she was just saying it to be nasty. Because we told her shower related things go to my mom. I told my husband and he flipped on me and we haven't spoken in 2 days now. He told me to leave him that I would have more fun single and that I bring alll my stress on myself. 
Any time his mother does this we fight and he sides with her. I walk on eggshells and get treated like crap by her and I just have to deal with it because if not HE treats me like this. I don't know what to do about her. I can't handle this anymore. Â