leaking amniotic fluid?

Ok so I'm 26 almost 27 weeks along and I've had my bouts of discharge but honestly it hasn't been enough where I've needed to wear a panty liner except on a couple occasions. Just about 20 min ago I was walking up my front steps...like 2 steps and I felt a slight gush...not bad but enough where I went to check and I had soaked the whole underside of my panties. It also had some white specs/discharge intermixed. I put on a liner and went and laid down but I was just wondering if anyone with an amniotic leak thinks this sounds similar or if I'm just being paranoid. I have been having off and on Braxton hicks the last week or so but very random and only a couple/few times a day. Yesterday I had lower back cramping that lasted a couple hours, went away and haven't had any today. Baby has been very active. Thanks FTM!