I don't know what to do...

I don't know what to do. If I'm pregnant, this is the only option I can imagine choosing. I know it's right for me. Everyone tells me I'm not pregnant, but I really think I am. I'm on Nexplanon and using condoms, but I recently had what looked like implantation bleeding, and now my breasts are tingly. I don't know what else this could mean besides pregnancy. I'm only 16, and I know for a fact that my mom and stepdad would kill me, but I know my dad would be more understanding. But I'm scared he'd tell my mom anyways. I'm trying to get a blood pregnancy test, and I called a lab that does them and they said I could go in, request a form, fill it out, get the bloodwork done, and leave without parent permission, but I also emailed the same location, and they said the exact opposite. I'm calling again in the morning, but if they turn me down, I don't know what else to do. All the pee tests are negative, but this anxiety is torture, and I need a for sure answer. I want to tell my dad, but I'm so afraid he'll tell my mother, and she'll force me to keep the child if I am pregnant. But I know an abortion is the right choice for me. I've had a lot of time to think about it and I know for sure.