Staying with mother after birth of child

Hi everyone! 
I'm not Muslim but my husbands family is and I'm interested in learning more about their perspective on certain things. 
At the beginning before we got married they were trying to kind of force me to be Muslim but as I read the Quran and different sources it didn't resonate with my beliefs. In order to become Muslim I believe I had to speak to an imam? (Not completely sure) and I had to answer questions such as "do I believe prophet Mohammed is the only prophet" and etc. I didn't feel comfortable lying to them and myself so I told my fiancé at the time that I didn't feel comfortable with this. He didn't make me do it but his parents want me to tell everyone I am Muslim but I also don't feel comfortable lying to them about my beliefs. 
The thing that made me feel most uncomfortable is that during a blessing for marriage a man said that there "needed to be 2 woman witnesses in case one forgets." This sounded extremely sexist to me and it turned me off a lot from the religion especially considering I have the best memory compared to my husband. I never forgot that day which was 3 years ago. I even remember the picture in my head.
I am a very spiritual person and I feel a personal connection to God and all living beings. I live with compassion and love towards all and I am completely accepting of their beliefs as long as it brings them joy and happiness. My morals lie around the yoga philosophy and yoga and meditation is my prayer practice. Although I don't attach myself to any religion, yoga philosophy is closest to how I feel about life.
His cousin told me that I should never be forced into becoming Muslim which made me feel a lot better. His parents are still very accepting of me. 
The problem I am having now is he wants me to consider his home my home. It's hard because none of my stuff is there and we go back and forth between each other's parents homes. We don't have a place together. I am 7 months pregnant and I have agreed to live in the basement of his house (it's an apartment) but someone else is still living down there. There's no space anywhere for my food (I'm vegan and don't eat anything that comes from an animal) or my clothes. I don't feel at home. 
I want to stay with my mother at home for 1-4 weeks depending on how I'm feeling because she can provide the best care for me. I don't want to expect his mother to cook vegan for me and I want the care from my own mother since I am super close to her. He is telling me that's not an option and he said "watch what happens if you stay with her after the birth". I feel depressed about this and threatened. Now I feel like I will be depressed staying at his house even more. I'm starting to feel trapped. 
He lives 30 minutes on the highway away from my parents and I have no car or friends in his town. I live in the city. I'm not sure how to go about this.
Is it tradition in Islam for the woman to stay at the in laws after birth or to stay with their mother? I don't feel comfortable staying there and I already have prenatal depression. I'm afraid I will suffer horribly from postnatal depression if I stay there. I want to care for my baby the best way possible.