My Story.

At 17 I found out I was pregnant. I remember telling my boyfriend at the time and we both decided we couldn't have the baby. I felt as if the world fell on top of me, everything I ever wanted to do disappeared. My mom... I was terrified, she always threatened to kick me out the house if I ever got pregnant under her roof. 
Surprisingly making an appointment to get a medical abortion was one of the easiest appointments I've made online. That same week we went in, they guided us through and it took 5 minutes under anesthesia to get the abortion. My insurance even covered it all. That day broke me. I felt like something was missing, I had so many complications after that. I hated my boyfriend, I hated myself. I eventually told my mom and she started crying and wouldn't talk to me for days. Fast forward 2 years, I look back and I regret it but at the same time I see that I would've struggled big time. I'm not saying my choice was an ok choice, but there's a part of me that had to see the "pros"of not having the baby to move on from that pain. For a while seeing the "pros" made me feel guilty and like a bad person but it's what helped me move forward. I am now expecting, I am grateful, I'm excited to go along with this pregnancy. I see now that babies are a lot of work, they always will be, but they aren't a set back. You can always move forward and life will always continue. Just this time you'll have your other half by yourside.