Don't Ignore Braxton Hicks!

I want to share this experience with you all. 
I am 31+ weeks pregnant with my second child. Like most everyone else, I experience occasional Braxton Hicks contractions. 
Two nights ago, at about 8:00, I started getting BH about 10-15 mins apart, but I wasn't formally "timing" them or anything yet. 
I started drinking water and laid down, like the Internet said to do. (Which was a giant pain bc I also had to pee every ten 5 mins.) But by this time, they were 6 or 10 mins apart, and lasting for longer periods of time. Also, Some of them were stronger than others, which I had not noticed when they started at 8. I monitored for about 1.5 hours, and I had at least 15 total. 
I called my doctor's office. When I told the nurse what was happening, and that I was 31 weeks, she said I should "definitely go to Labor and Delivery at the hospital."
When I arrived, the hooked me up to some monitors. They said that yes, I was definitely having real contractions. (It wasn't terribly painful like labor at 39 weeks from my last pregnancy.) They gave me a bag of IV fluids. Gradually, the contractions became weaker and further apart. 
They let me go home once the fluids were finished. But the nurse said to MAKE SURE I was drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and to "try not to overdo it" with activity, including carrying around my two year old.   
Last night, they started happening more frequently AGAIN, but drinking a ton of water and laying down slowed them down after about an hour. 
Just remember: BH are real contractions, and too many could mean pre-term labor. Dont doubt your instincts. Better safe than sorry! Drink plenty of water, don't overdo it physically, and call your doctor if you think something might be up!