so worried that it might happen to me 😖😣

Ok, So recently one my dear friends suffered a miscarriage. She was pregnant with twins. When she went in at 10 weeks for a ultrasound, she found out that her babies stopped developing & there was only gestational sacs. She literally went through this last weekend having to take pills given from her doctor to pass the babies .. 😞. 
So now I am 5 weeks pregnant, found out sadly the day she passed them & told me abt it. I cannot stop worriying about if whether or not that could be me. It hit me hard w what had happened to her, we cried together bc I cannot phathom losing a child/children & bc I was so excited & happy for her, she's been ttc for years. However, I am terrified & my first ultrasound will most likely be at 13 weeks. I see my doctor at 10 weeks to check the heartbeat. How can I stop stressing & worrying about my baby & pregnancy. I don't know how I'm gunna be able to wait for ... what feels like to me forever.Â