ahh I don't know if I will ever get over this

Long story short I went out with my bf and his friends. I was drinking and was polite to everyone. His one friends gf goes on a rant to him the next morning. My bf shows me the texts and I got upset since he didn't tell her to shut up or anything. The girl was upset because I was rude and didn't say hi to her... I know super lame and petty but still she's just at fault since I could be upset that she was rude to me. Anyways this was last month and I'm still pissed this girl had the nerve to talk about me to my bf and at my bf for not putting her in place. I told my one friend and she's like what if  that happens when you have a kid. ( she has a Kid and has had people say rude things about the child's looks/parents etc). How do I handle this once and for all? Will he change? Or do I put it behind me until it happens again?