I wanna forgive mother in law but ill never forget what she did to me


When i first met my partner none of his family liked me. I had an old "friend" who told them all i had syphilis (not true) and that i was such a slut theyd need a dna test (not true).

Anyway.. when i was 39 weeks pregnant my MIL ran through the house screaming her head off saying when the kid comes out they want a dna test and that im a lazy hoe and blah blah blah ... i had to lock myself into the bathroom where my partner was showering.

I was crying and he was sorta like of the opinion that 'well im not standing up to my mother youre on ya own here' and his brother my brother in law ended up dragging her away from me. Supposedly she was drunk. Never got an apology.

My partner had to take me to hospital the next day because i tore a bunch of ligaments in my pelvis from running away from her. It was horrible.

A week later i was induced and the baby came out lookimg just like her father. Since then, 2 years ago, his mother is yet to apologise for all that but has baby sat and been really good but i cant stop thinkimg about that night. And i hold sort of a resentment towards my partner for his lack of defending me ...

Its something that still haunts me. Should i just get over it