So many questions!

Hi everyone!

So I am doing a assisted cycle with Clomid and pregnyl. This cycle has looked to be the most promising of all. I took Clomid CD 5-9 and triggered with pregnyl on CD 20 (today is CD 24) after not getting a positive today I woke up extra optimistic, with ewcm, and a little cramping which I was happy about. That excitement quickly changed to fear when I started to experience sharp and abrupt stomach pains that sent me to the ER.

I was thinking that it may be implantation, but everything says that you should not be able to feel implantation. The doctor did say that I have a cyst on my right ovary. At the time of trigger I had one follicle on my right ovary and 2 on my left ovary. The two follicles on my left were gone. I don't know how to feel and I can't test until after 11 days from today. Has anyone experienced pain with implantation? Any feedback or experience would be appreciated! Thank you ladies and baby dust to each of you.