could I be pregnant?

Aliyah • I just started the aubra birth control pill. Wish me luck. ❤️❤️❤️
My boyfriend and I had sex about a week ago and the condom slipped. We haven't settled down enough to have a kid yet so we're having sex but I don't want to be pregnant yet. We caught that the condom slipped fairly quickly but it's made us both nervous for the past few days. I was beginning to feel less nervous when I randomly got cramps that were slightly different then my period cramps. My friend told me it might be the start to implantation because that can often cause cramps. We had sex 3 days after my ovulation ended. My period is supposed to start in 4 days and I'm extremely nervous because I'm only 17 and I'm not ready to bring  a beautiful life into the world yet. 
What are your opinions?? Do you think I'm pregnant?