Should I be worried?

AnnaMarie • I`m AnnaMarie. Married 10/14/2017, and our son was born 7/20/2018. 💙
So I'm either going through medication withdrawals or I'm pregnant and I can't figure out which one. I hadn't taken one of my meds in a few days (I took it tonight) but today I've been puking up anything I eat. Earlier, an alligator shake on tv made me puke, and just now the smell of smoke from burnt food in the oven made me puke. My period is in a week so I feel like its way early for me to be puking but I've never been pregnant so I don't know how sensitive I'll be to the hormones. I'm already super sensitive to each type of birth control I get put on because of the different hormone configurations, it took forever to find one I could bear. And normally once I take the medication I'm in withdrawal from I'm fine in an hour or so. And I was fine all day until I ate and saw gross stuff on tv lol. I don't know, just curious if I could be having morning sickness this early.