Feeling Regret

I'm feeling regret after 14 weeks of pregnancy. I don't regret my baby one bit. Im starting to regret my partner. Idk if it's hormones or what. But all I know is there are things that are sticking out to me that are annoying me deeply.  I mean he means well don't get me wrong. Im starting to think this pregnancy has happend way to fast in our relationship. I have a 8 year old daughter soon to be 9 next month. She's having a hard time adapting to the fact that her daddy and I have separated and getting divorced. So my daughter is acting out for attention. I've been trying so hard to handle her between myself and my ex husband. But my boyfriend wants to be in the middle and tell me what I need to do with my child and he gets irritated with her. I've let it go but the more he puts his nose in my business with my daughter is starting to piss me off. He doesn't let me do much for myself which isn't a bad thing but keep me not moving I'm just thinking if I sit around I'm gonna get fat. It's like he's having my mood swings also. It's driving me insane. He won't let me cook he always want me to make the decisions which gets old. Idk there is just so much that has irritated me in the last few weeks that shouldn't phase me but do. But my relationship with my daughter is the biggest problem I have with him. It's like he wants to be with me but my daughter is in the way or something and he's irritated with her. Has any other moms felt regret with their partner after getting pregnant ? We were and are still very happy about our baby  we are both hoping for a boy. Due Dec 18th 2017. Any advice mommy's