A "schedule" ??? Ok mamas, need YOUR opinions, insight, and help!

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

Liam is almost 10 weeks old.

He eats 3-4oz every 3 hours in the daytime. (But the exact times can change like the wind)

His naps are all over the place but when he naps and when he naps well he will go down about 70-120 min after waking. We would like to start somewhat of a schedule. Nothing to rigid.

Im interested in knowing what your day looks like. With feeding and sleeping.

And also night time. I know 9 weeks is still so young and I don't expect him to sleep all night. But I am curious to know how long he "could" sleep for without eating. Some nights it's 4 hours and some nights it's 7 hours. (From last feed, not from sleep to wake) therefore he's sleeping anywhere from 5-7 hours.

Is your schedule the same daily?

Do you go by any method recommended by an "Expert" (I.e babywise)

Swaddled for sleep? Unswaddled? Co-sleep? Or separate sleeping areas? (He seems to sleep better when we sleep together, but we only do that for naps. Haven't tried it at bedtime yet) and, he will fall asleep swaddled. But I'm scared he'll wake up and want to move, and not be able to, then get mad and cry til we unswaddle him. (He likes to stretch out) going to try it with a nap today tho!

Thanks so much mamas! Appreciate it!