why am i being dealt the bad hand?

emily • 21 - queer - she/her
i don't usually mope but it's hard not to right now. i feel like the world is against me, even though all i put is good into it. i've recently been diagnosed with depression and even though it's gone on for awhile, it's been hard especially lately. i'm trying to get antidepressants but it's hard since i'm so inexperienced (i'm 19) and my parents are against it. i'm also about to quit my job to find something full-time, i've been searching for about a month and still haven't caught a break! i've applied to 20+ places, NONE of them have gotten back to me except for one. i went to that interview and immediately was told "yeahhh this isn't going to work out" a minute into the interview (because i'm a student?). i also just feel generally unloved. it's still hard coming to terms with it, but my parents don't care about me anymore. they only talk to me to tell me what's going on in their lives, they never ask about mine. i provide them with advice and support and i don't get the same back. i told my dad today i decided to take this great opportunity to finally move out and all i got was "what about the job?" most of my friends don't really understand depression, so it's been harder relating to them lately. now they only text me when THEY need something, just like my parents. i give out so much unconditional support and love just because that's who i am. i patiently wait and wait but now i have become tired and miserable getting none of it back. it's been so long since i've felt loved at all, that's all i want right now. the pain of simply surviving is unbearable