So over this 2ww

🌸Jess🌸 • Mom to 3 furbabies 🔅 married to the love of my life 💕

So 4dpo I had 1 bathroom emergency and had diarrehea...5dpo I was feeling pinches, cramping like AF and when I wiped and got one tiny speck of blood. That was it. 6dpo worst acid reflux... in the afternoon I bloated so bad and I had the worst cramping and backache at night to a point I was in fetal position to get rid of them. 7dpo acid reflux...pinches, little cramps and light backache...with a bunch of CM and a temp spike! 3 days and exhausted....8dpo just cramps and backache, 9dpo BFN!

I seriously can't! I thought for sure this was it. Contemplating next cycle not to track and see what happens!? But then do I "waste" a month when we are getting older?