37 + 2 weeks 2cm 80% effaced / story time

so at my 36 week apt i was 2cm 50% effaced (didn't tell me baby's stage) then lost my mucus plug two days later. 6 days go by and i went into labor and delivery because of constant lower abdominal pressure and not feeling him move as much. i was checked and i was still 2cm 60% effaced (baby was at stage -1) then the next day i had a doc visit for my 37 weeks, have to do a 24 hour urine test and start taking iron pills. also she checked me and said i was still 2cm but now 80% effaced! also a FTM she was quite surprised how fast things are happening. i'm not due until July 11th but she doesn't think i'll make it to July! plus the baby was measuring over 7lbs at 34 weeks! i've had mild BH but nothing consistent, diharrea, weight loss from water retention, and many other "signs of labor". 
i'm mentally ready to have this baby and clearly my body is about ready as well!! so i hope and pray he comes when he wants to and he's happy and healthy!!
prayers to all you future mamas! 