Too much too fast!!

Ok, so I'm going to post this as just a generalization. I'm not intending to offend or anything. saddens me to see posts by 15 year old girls taking quizzes about blow jobs and orgasms! My heart shatters because at 15, I knew nothing of either thing! This children (boys and girls alike) are growing up way too fast!! I already had to explain to my 8 year old why a person at her school told her about a picture they saw of a naked man and naked woman with "their privates touching". Expecting a little boy in just a few short weeks...I am trying my best to figure out how to raise my son to be a respectful man. A man that won't objectify women. But in this's going to be a difficult road. Sorry ladies, just a minor rant I had to share. And for the young mothers, I am not passing judgment, I applaud you for being so young and taking on so much! But at the same time, my heart breaks for the loss of your childhood. Anywho...that's my speel. Thanks for listening all 😉