37 weeks and Baby measuring small might have to be induced!!

Maggie • 🌈My Rainbow Baby👶🏻❤️
I feel like im worrying more than i should be, this is my first full term pregnancy and I can't help but feel like the baby isn't safe inside of me because i was also told he has low amniotic fluid, i know if they were too low to the point that it posed a risk they would induce me right away but i feel like waiting 4 days for my next ultrasound and NST is to see how he is doing is too long of a wait, Ive read and been told of mothers who were told their baby would be small and come out small and turn out to be perfectly okay but this low amniotic fluid thing is freaking me out i feel like if they don't get him out in time or realize the fluid is lower that something bad can happen to him, i love the hospital I am being seen at but i just need to ease my mind for these next 3 days as I just found this out yesterday... i would like to read any of your experiences with positive outcomes cause I know theres always the posibility of a bad outcome but i need positive outcomes at this moment...thank you ❤