feeling low

I just need some personal opinions. I appreciate anyone who has the time to read and respond. Just a background story; My boyfriend and I found out we were pregnant 2 weeks ago. I have a daughter who is three and a half, with my ex of three years who left when he found out I was pregnant. I have been with my current boyfriend for two years and 5 months. He is 24, I am 22.. which made me 19 when I had my daughter. 
Anyways, recently he had completed his apprenticeship and is a fully licensed electrician! I am so proud of him! I am a Personal Support Worker, however I very much want to go back to school and be an RN once the baby is born and everything settles. This has always been my dream and I will conquour it. Ever since we found out we were pregnant, we went into looking to buy houses. Well, last night he was in a very bad mood and stressing about the house and says "I have a way high education level then you, I will never be able to buy a house with you because you don't make as much money as me" and "even when I am laid off from a job, I will make more money than you! " just putting me down and making me feel like shit. In this whole thing he proceeds to call me "bitch" and "cunt" and do you want to know why this started? Because I asked "if I pick up some more hours this week will you please help me with Adriana(my 3 1/2 year old) and he yells "stop talking to me, you always make things so stressful, fuck off leave me alone" 
For one , I know he is stressed. I get it. A new baby, buying a house, etc. But I honestly don't think it's ok to shame me and my career for making less than him right now. When I am not working afternoons, I always have dinner ready for him,I am always catering to him and making him happy. We split bills (I even pay more) when he makes "more" then me. 
I just feel like shit and would like some input. 
Thanks for reading.