my grandma said to me today...

"You look pregnant today" and I looked at her like... "Uhh thanks..?" Not sure how to take it. I dunno maybe it's just me but I just feel like I look the same as I did before and feel like I just got fat. I guess I should take it as a good thing but today I wasn't sure how to take it. This whole pregnancy thing is still new to me. It still hasn't hit me. I guess I just don't realize my body IS changing and people can finally tell and that I REALLY AM pregnant and I AM going to get a belly.. Anyone else just not like the sound of that or am I just not used to it yet and haven't really comprehended the fact that this IS REAL...? Idek just feels weird and I guess I didn't think people really noticed anything about my body changing yet. Or maybe I feel huge for only being 17w3d...? I should take it as a compliment..