Second glucose test after sugar in urine 33weeks

I've never read someone on here having to get a second test almost a month after their first glucose test! I went in around 28weeks and did my glucose test and they called back saying everything looked great! No anemia and no gestational diabetes! I was so excited because this momma loves sugar. Well I just switched OB's and told them I hadn't given a urine sample since 20 weeks. He thought this was super weird and told me I'd give one at every visit with him. Well shortly after I get a call saying I had sugar in my urine and would need to do the 3 hour glucose test. I'm so sad and upset because I could of potentially been harming my baby! All because my old OB was not having me do regular urine samples. I've gained 50lbs so far and have been gaining about 3-5 a week now. Praying my results come back normal from my 3 hour test. Anyone else go through this? Or can tell me what happens if I do show positive for GD? What happens to the baby?