Why do certain states vote more liberal/conservative?

witchy 🌙
I'm from "liberal/democratic" Washington state and whenever I think of conservative republicans I think of the south. Stereo-typically I picture gun toting "rednecks" that fly American flags on their trucks and listen to country music. When I hear liberal I picture vegan hipsters living in a trendy city. I'm not talking crap about these people, I'm being honest about what I picture. I KNOW this isn't the truth. Keep in mind, although I live in a liberal state I'm in a small conservative town (ironically.) I don't like that I think this way and I'm changing it. It's just an automatic thing my brain pictures. KEEP READING. DONT GET STUCK ON THE STERETYPES PART - Im wondering WHY/how these steretypes started- Why do you think these stereotypes exist/how they got started? Why do you think some states are more liberal or conservative? These are all just for healthy discussion, not to bash certain types of people.