So Much Worrying

Hey, I've been doing a lot of thinking and also worrying, unfortunately. This is my first pregnancy, and I'm still in the first trimester. I've noticed I've been getting some depression and anxiety type feelings about what's to come, if I will be a good mother, if my boyfriend will be a good father, etc. Has anyone out there ever felt like your significant other is a bit selfish? Like, not doing enough, and the typical things you do to for him, like cleaning up after him and making appointments for him, and just all around being the caregiver for the both of you, is just so exhausting and not worth it anymore? I feel as though my boyfriend is so selfish and lazy, and when given one or two simple responsibilities, and cannot do them or do them properly is just so, so exhausting. I'm literally upset with him now most of the time. Am I over reacting because of the hormones now? Am I being too critical? I haven't seen him step up at all since we've found out I'm pregnant. And that scares me for the future. But I also know the world and my boyfriend don't revolve around me just because I'm pregnant. I need some insight! Help!