Not TTC Related Just Needed To Vent

My bestie is named Jill, and she gave birth to his beautiful boy named Elijah. He was born in March and she she stopped going to work in Feb. She always goes in social media complaining how being a single mother is hard. Truly I completing understand but when all you do is sit on your ass all day and get high off bars. Your not acting like a mother at all. She keeps saying she under a lot of stress but how.??? My other friend even told her if she can find a second shift job she would watch her son for her at no cost. But no she didn't want a second shift job so now she's just goes swimming everyday and gets high. Oh yeah on Mon she went to court and failed her drug test, then she posted on Snapchat saying I'm outta jail. Like really every time I try to talk some sense into her. She tells me she grown and doesn't need anyone.