Starting my
TWW! My name is Emily and I'm an RN from East Tennessee and I'm currently on cycle #5 of TTC for baby #1,
average cycle length is 30 days and
AF stays around for 4ish days. I know there are plenty of ladies who have been trying a lot longer than I have, but I'm trying to not get carried away with worry and stress of nothing in the past 5 months. I have normal cycles and me and my husband are both 25 and relatively healthy so just waiting on God's timing (impatiently haha) but it's hard not to annoy the 💩 out of everyone with my need to talk about and analyze my
DPO/new symptoms, etc.. So long story short, I would love to have another girl to obsess with and support!! If anyone is interested let me know and of course
baby dust to all! 😘