losing my job

So after 4 and a half years of being at my current position, my new director has decided that I'm not up to her level when I know in my heart I've been working my butt off in hopes of a promotion. I've also been trying to have another baby. I'm in the middle of moving, on vacation, and right before I went on vacation last Wednesday I was called in for a meeting stating they're deciding my termination. Number one, great effing timeing how much of a cold wench could you be knowing I'm moving and took my vacation to do so, number 2 knowing I'm moving and stressed enough you leave me not knowing if I have a job or not?! Besides that rant I am
Now in a position not knowing if I'm pregnant or not and if so, scared and worried out of my mind and if not , now I have to put a hold on what I thought I've been doing already up until I thought I had the upmost stability. Basically the whole situation is bullshit and yes I'm unionized so I won't be backing down without a fight but boy am I stressed out of my mind and I feel a massive depression coming on n I'm trying so hard not to let it over come me... any positive feedback or emotional support/advice is appreciated!