So confused the app changed things!

I'm just confused as to when my AF is supposed to be due. 
My last AF was on 24/2 and was fairly light but super long lasting 9 days and till 05/03. 
Glow has changed my AF prediction as well as ovulation dates. 
It's saying my AF is due 29/03 but I feel like that isn't the correct timing if im 28 days. However they said I would be ovulation from the 10-14 and my CM was consistent on the 12 of fertile CM. 
Two or three days ago my boobs started to hurt a bit now they are obviously tender and my boyfriend also remarked on how big they looked but I
Think that may have been the bra and shirt I was wearing, but anyways im not sure if these are from Pms or not because again I feel as if this AF isn't on the right date so im not sure about Pms or not and I was wondering if that has happen to anyone else or when they think I should get my AF.