Too Emotional?!?!

McKenzie • Expecting TWINS, married 2 years, faith in God, heart stolen by my sweet 4 yr. Old daughter Samantha, Baby A is a BOY💙 and Baby B is a GIRL❤
I admit I go through a lot and I get stressed and it makes me mad that's every pregnant woman RIGHT! Well when I get mad I cry, and just particularly this day my hubbie came home and caught me*noting I'm already under a lot* he screams at me for being angry for no reason then he asks me do I care about our child why I'm getting so upset the I guess at the heat of the moment I got outraged and told him he's tge reason why I had a miscarriage earlier in our marriage and I know it really hurt him but stress wise what should I do how do I keep myself from spiking should I be worried of losing this baby was it my fault the first time?