Money is going to be so tight.

I feel like everything is on my shoulders. We're remodeling and furnishing our house, and the whole cost is on me. I have the money, but only have a wiggle room of $2000 and that's absolutely nothing. On top of that I'll have more doctors bills, and I need to buy baby things. After that I'm broke and I have to rely on my spouse to pay for everything for the first time in our relationship; and it's making me so nervous I'm sick. I know there's people farrrrrr worse off than me, but this weight on my shoulders is beginning to break me. I don't know how I can get past this. I feel like I'm going to run out of money and owe people, and have no way to pay. Or I'll have just enough, but spouse won't be able to cover the bills we have. Should I get a job? Can I being pregnant? Will it hurt the baby? I know the answer is I can't really, because I have to watch the baby so my spouse can work. I guess I'm just asking for some prayers that God will guide me and help me get through this with a level head. 😓