Young sibs


I swear my 3 year old kiddo can tell it is getting closer to baby d-day. He is especially clingy, whiny, and sassy lately...about things that make no sense of course. Think good thoughts that he adjusts to new sissy well. He is VERY excited to be a big brother.

Side question-wondering what you all tell very young children about how babies are born. So far I've told kiddo that when baby is ready, it will let mommy know and she will go to the hospital and a dr. will help get it out. He wants to know where, how, etc. My husband thinks telling him the stork brings the baby is a good idea. I do not. Our kiddo is very smart and he knows a baby is in mommy's belly and that seems silly and confusing to tell him anything so inaccurate... but idk how detailed an explaination of what happens should be for a 3 year old.