unprotected sex

My boyfriend and I have had sex multiple times and we have always used condoms. Two days ago we had sex with a condom around 1 pm. He finished in the condom. Two hours later we had sex again without a condom for like 5 minutes and he checked and he thought there was some precum so he got a condom and we continued because he was nervous. I have only been on my borth control for a little over a week now and I'm ovulating right now. I am SOOOO worried I could be pregnant. I'm only 16 and I'm on family vacation and have no money to get a pregnancy test or plan B. He is freaking out and I don't know what to do. He thinks I have a bigger chance of getting pregnant since he had finished 2 hours before we did it without a condom, could that be a risk? Someone please help or give me advice!!! I am so worried