relationship/friendship advice please

I have a long distance FWB situation we're both attracted to each other but feelings wise idk where we are. I know we shouldn't have them. We've hooked up and sext (the later more often since we live in different citites now) but recently we've stopped until we see each other again next month. He's already told me a couple times he's still single and ready to mingle which is fine but I just want a clear answer if we're still fwb. I try to bring it up but he just jokes about me being thirsty and horny.  Should I wait until I see him and sit down and have a real talk to see where we're at? 
He also jokes and tries to get me jealous, is that bad if I am getting jealous giving our FWB status? Im not sure why I get jealous maybe cause of the girls he's bringing up are ones I'm close to (i.e. Cousins or friends) 
I don't know how to bring up how I'm feeling or discuss our situation. Any advise?