due date and inlaws

So. My due date is in 8 days July 5th. We didn't know if my husband would be allowed to come home from deployment for the birth so my inlaws are driving to be here and will be here July 1st and staying for an entire month. We found out last week they allowed hubby to come home for the birth which I am incredibly grateful for so he's been home almost a week. Inlaws are still coming out. And they keep calling and asking if I'm having contractions and I need to wait until they get here Saturday night. But at the hospital I'll be delivering at its only 1 support person in L&D and I only want my husband there to watch OUR child being born. And husband and I agreed before he even left for deployment that we didn't want visitors because we want to bond with our new child as his parents will be here and it's their first grandchild and will "hoard" the baby. They don't listen to me and my husband has to be very stern with them and tell them multiple times to get the point across as they treat him like a child. Ugh I have a feeling they are going to complain about it even though we told them we don't want visitors as well most likely be in and out in the 2 days. Going to need prayers to keep my sanity.🤞