Anyone else feels sick randomly?

Sh`Mira • Mother of two 🤞🏽 Mother of two angel babies. 👼🏾👼🏾
It's been like this for a days now since like CD9.. I would get random heaches and cramps in my stomach. For a while I thought it was my pressure or the fact that I didn't eat. I work 6:30pm-6:00am and I usual sleep until it's time for work and my lunch isn't until 11:45pm. So I decided to eat more often and the headaches still happen. I don't think I'm getting sick. It's just bugging me badly. I would mostly feel it at night. Like right now I'm cramping and my head hurts, but I'm home in bed. Idk. I think I'm just overthinking tbh. 🤦🏽‍♀️