My labor and delivery story

So we went in around 10:00 with contractions. I was admitted and they were waiting for me to dilate on my own. I had the epidural and we waited some more. They said they would break my water at 9pm so she checked my cervix and I was dilated 8cm but while she was checking my cervix "disappeared". So I dilated to 10 cm while she was checking my cervix so she told me she would be right back. They were also waiting for me to finish antibiotics because my Strep B came back positive so now they were trying to pump the second dose of antibiotics in as quick as possible. About 2 minutes after the doctor walked out of the room my water broke. I told my husband that either my water broke or I peed myself. He ran out of the room screaming exactly that LMAO! I heard him tell at least 2 people that I either peed myself or my water broke. The OB came back in and said that the baby pooped so they had to get her out as soon as possible and told me to do a practice push so I did and barely pushed when she told me to stop pushing because if I pushed anymore sire would come out. The doctor left the room and came back with a couple more nurses and I got ready to push. On the first push I felt her head come out and then with the second I felt her whole body come out. After just two pushed she was out and I didn't have to get any stitches. While we were doing skin to skin she started turning blue so they gave her a little oxygen and we tried skin tho skin again but she started to turn blue again. It was so scary because the doctors were all kinda whispering to each other while giving her oxygen and telling me it was ok but my baby wasn't breathing well on her own. Any mother would be worried. They took her to the NICU because they said she'd might have breathed in the meconium and it's probably naming it hard for her to breathe. They did X- rays and it was meconium in her lungs so she had to stay in the NICU. They put her on antibiotics and oxygen and now we're just waiting for her lungs to clear up. Laney Rose was born at 10:27pm 7lbs 9 oz 19 inches long and she is so beautiful and perfect.