Newly Pregnant.... Maybe?

So I've never been pregnant before and DH and I just started TTC at the beginning of June. My period is suppose to show up tomorrow (I'm not regular), but I took a test yesterday AM and it came up positive and another one this morning (different brand) and popped positive too (almost immediately) but haven't had the typical signs either.
My maternal family side is known to have reproductive issues, i.e. miscarriages, ovarian cysts (aunt), my mother alone had 11 miscarriages. 
Starting last night I've had cramps and they are still happening today but only in my pelvis area (normally I have back pain and major cramps). Is this normal to go through when newly pregnant/1st missed period? I wasn't expecting to be pregnant this early in trying so I'm just a little nervous it's a false positive or something is off given my odds.